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Insights and Expertise: Bixal’s Impactful Presentations at Drupal GovCon 2023


Bixal was a sponsor of the recent Drupal GovCon held Nov. 1-2 in Bethesda, Maryland. We were excited to have so many Bixalers attend this great event and even more excited to have several of them present.

Big thank you to Drupal4Gov for hosting this event and to all of our team members for presenting and attending!

Didn't get a chance to attend Drupal GovCon? Don't worry! You can watch our Bixalers' presentations:

  1. A KPI Framework To Make Your Next Drupal Migration a Success. (Nick Pistone)
  2. Gazing at the Stars: How To Take USWDS Beyond the Limits. (Ray Estrada and James Mejia)
  3. Revealing Insights: Transforming Drupal Data Into Smart Decisions. (Ivonne Carrillo)
  4. Improving Government CX with SSO. (John Franklin)
  5. Development To Deploy. (Matt Poole)

We had a ton of fun at this event. Enjoy these memorable moments:


A group shot of 19 smiling Bixal team members at the Drupal GovCon conference.


Bixaler Ivonne Carillo, a woman with long dark hair and glasses, stands in front of a screen upon which is projected the title slide of her Drupal GovCon presentation, “Revealing Insights: Transforming Drupal Data Into Smart Decisions.


Bixaler John Franklin, a man with glasses, stands behind a lectern during his Drupal GovCon presentation.


Bixaler Nick Pistone, a smiling man with dark hair, stands behind a table with his laptop while behind him a television projects the title of his Drupal GovCon presentation, “A KPI Framework to Make Your Next Drupal Migration a Success.


A large group of Bixal team members sit around a table in a bar.


A large group of Bixal team members pose together for a photo outside the Drupal GovCon conference.


Three Bixal team members pose for a photo by Bixal’s colorful booth at the Drupal GovCon conference. One holds up a purple rubber duck.


Bixaler Felicia Odie sits behind the Bixal table at Drupal GovCon. On the table are Bixal-branded swag items for conference goers, including purple rubber ducks, pens and colorful jelly beans.


Internal communications and event manager, Lauren Peters Erling, contributed to the writing of this article.


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